Wanna (Online demo available here. Shockwave plugin required) Wanna is a project that emerged out of my Distort project. After becoming comfortable with 3D programming in Director MX, I was looking for a way to engage the viewer directly and (if possible) make them forget they were sitting in front of a computer monitor. Let them start to make their own stories. While 3D worlds can be photorealistic and beautifully realised, most people are used to things in such a world reacting in idealised ways. For example worlds without gravity, or computer characters that can change direction mid-jump. The addition of realistic physics can be compelling. The Havok Xtra for Director adds such physics to 3D worlds. Combining Havok, Track Them Colors and Director 3D enabled the creation of an environment where movement off screen (in the Real World) can influence on screen objects in a physically realistic way. Please see screen shots below. |